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Informative Demonstration Speech Purpose: This assignment will help you develop essential public speaking skills that will prepare you for professional and social oral communication situations. This will be accomplished by developing delivery, writing, and organization skills through a public speaking presentation. Skills: The Demonstration Speech will help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in school and your professional and social life outside of school. In this assignment you will: · Determine appropriate topic for the context and audience. · Gather and assess supporting information from appropriate sources. · Synthesize information to develop an organized outline. · Compose a well-organized preparation and delivery outline, using an appropriate organizational pattern. · Create an introduction and conclusion that shows awareness of audience and purpose. · Use correct formatting to cite sources orally and create a reference page (Works Cited page) · Create effective visual/presentation aids. · Deliver a well-organized, clear and concise speech to the audience. Knowledge: The Demonstration Speech will prepare you to apply the following important content knowledge in the discipline of Communication: · Recognizing the importance of considering the audience when communicating in work and social situations. · Utilizing the components of an introduction and conclusion to effectively engage your audience. · Public speaking organization and delivery skills for creating maximum impact in work and social situations. · Using visual/presentation aids effectively to enhance communication and audience understanding. · Understanding that effective communication requires providing support for ideas. · Realizing the importance of acknowledging sources for the purpose of establishing credibility.
Task: To complete this assignment, you should: 1. Select a topic for the speech where you can show the audience how to do something, how to make something, or how something works. 2. Find a minimum of 1 source for your speech topic. Cite your source in MLA format on your Works Cited page, and cite your source during your speech using an acceptable in-text oral citation. 3. Develop a 3 to 5-minute speech demonstrating your speech topic. 4. Organize your presentation using the 5. Create visual/presentation aids that will help the audience better understand your topic. Follow the provided visual aid guidelines. Do not use the whiteboard, chalkboard or handouts as your visual aid. 6. Rehearse one time using your preparation outline to time your speech; if your speech does not meet the time requirements, adjust accordingly and rehearse again. 7. Use the 8. Rehearse your speech multiple times using your delivery outline and your visual/presentation aids. Focus on your verbal and nonverbal delivery as you rehearse. Continue to time your speech each rehearsal to ensure that you are within the 3 to 5-minute time requirements. 9. Submit a digital copy of your preparation outline by the Informative Speech Preparation Assignment due date. Submit your delivery outline to the assignment dropbox by delivery outline due date. Through the dropbox, TurnItIn will evaluate your submissions for plagiarism. Gather your live audience of at least 5 people age 18 or older and record your speech following these instructions: Context is important, so ensure that your audience is able to focus on you without any distractions (tv, phones, etc.) Preparing for your audience and connecting with your audience are essential in public speaking. Any speech submitted without at least 5 people age 18 or older in the live audience will receive a zero. Record your speech using a cell phone or computer with a camera. Your speech video cannot be edited. At the start of your speech video recording, you will show your delivery outline to the camera and show your audience. At the end of your speech video recording, you will show your audience again. Your speech must be delivered extemporaneously, making appropriate use of notes and presentation aids. This means you must utilize exceptional vocal and physical delivery. You must work to engage your audience. Speeches which are read will lose a letter grade. Be sure you are facing the camera and that I can see your entire body and your visual aid in your recording. Upload the speech to YouTube as an unlisted video, and then share the link to your video by uploading a document with link included to the appropriate assignment dropbox by due date. Unlisted videos are only able to seen through your sharing of the link and do not appear in YouTube’s searches. Criteria for Success: Please see the Speech Evaluation Rubric Form. This rubric is how your speech will be graded.
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Due on Feb 20, 2024 11:59 PM Available until Feb 20, 2024 11:59 PM. |
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