3. Discuss a situation in which you have either witnessed or personally experienced incivility by another student, nurse, or healthcare provider. How did you handle the situation at that time? After r

3. Discuss a situation in which you have either witnessed or personally experienced incivility by another student, nurse, or healthcare provider. How did you handle the situation at that time? After reading and reflecting more about incivility and its prevalence this week, how would you handle the situation now? How can we teach our students […]

Leiden Have You Ever Personally Experienced Prejudicial Attitudes Questions

Question CT1. When Jane Elliott gathered and debriefed her third graders at the end of the original two-day exercise, what comments did the children make concerning what they had learned from the exercise? Comment on specific words the children used and interpret the feelings behind the body language they demonstrated as third graders. Question ER/CT2. […]