PHC 4109 FIU Happiness Depends More on The Inward Disposition of Mind Questions

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Discussion Prompt 1: Which do you believe plays a bigger role in mental illness — biology or the environment (or is it equally both)?  Explain your reasoning.   Discussion Prompt 2: Benjamin Franklin once said, “Happiness […]


We will examine the science of happiness in this discussion. It will serve as an example for how we should examine other such constructs throughout the course. You will do a bit of survey research in this activity. Begin by listing, in rank order, three to five factors that you think are important in your […]

Is it possible to be happy in this world? How would that happiness be

As Kant defines it, the Enlightenment is an optimistic philosophy and the full title of Voltaire’s story is Candide or Optimism. Pick two of the following works – Candide, Gulliver’s Travels, and the Discourse on Inequality – and write a thesis-driven, evidence- based paper in response to these questions: Is it possible to be happy […]