Strategies to Facilitate Learning

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As a future nurse educator, your understanding of the National League of Nursing (NLN) will be very important as you are nearing the end of your program at Grand Canyon University (GCU). As a result, please go to the NLN website listed below and read the eight NLN Core Competencies that all nurse educators should possess:….

Read Chapter 2 in Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Nurse Educators. Then, reflect on Competency 1: Facilitate Learning and the associated behaviors as they relate to your practicum experience. Lastly, describe the ways in which you are either meeting, have met, or will meet Competency 1 in your practicum. What are there facilitative behaviors that you have not thought about, but need to include in your teaching repertoire?

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Strategies to Facilitate Learning Nursing Assignment Help

As a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and evaluating student performance, it is important to understand the competencies required for the profession. In this context, the National League of Nursing (NLN) has defined eight core competencies that all nurse educators should possess. This answer will focus on Competency 1: Facilitate Learning and its associated behaviors in relation to the practicum experience.

Competency 1: Facilitate Learning is an essential skill that nurse educators must possess to ensure that students achieve the intended learning outcomes. In my practicum experience, I have met this competency by implementing a variety of teaching strategies that accommodate different learning styles. I have incorporated several evidence-based teaching methods, including active learning, case studies, and simulations.

One critical behavior associated with this competency is the ability to assess student learning, provide feedback, and evaluate their performance. During my practicum, I have used formative and summative assessments to assess student learning outcomes and provided timely feedback to help them improve.

Another facilitative behavior that I need to include in my teaching repertoire is the ability to provide constructive feedback that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This feedback should be designed to motivate students to learn and improve, and not demoralize them.

Overall, Competency 1: Facilitate Learning is a critical skill that all nurse educators should possess. In my practicum experience, I have demonstrated this competency by implementing various teaching strategies, assessing student learning, providing feedback, and evaluating their performance. However, I need to include more facilitative behaviors in my teaching repertoire, such as providing constructive feedback, to ensure that I meet the NLN’s core competencies for nurse educators.

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