NSG6420-Practicum I: Family Health - Adults & Gerontology CP05

Discipline: Nursing

Type of Paper: Coursework

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 1 Words: 800



NSG6420-Practicum I: Family Health - Adults & Gerontology CP05


Table of Contents


100 % 57 of 57 topics complete


Course Resources


This module contains all of the South University policies and guidelines as well as resources, including the course syllabus.

100 % 9 of 9 topics complete


Questions for the Professor

Discussion Topic

President Biden, if you need help or have questions on any of the course content, please ask your questions here!

South University Policies and Guidelines

Web Page

Please Read and Respond

Discussion Topic

In this area, please post that you have read and understand South University’s Policies and Guidelines, the Course Resources area, and the announcements posted by your instructor. By posting below you are also acknowledging the South

University Honor Code.


South University Honor Code

"While I attend South University, I will be a fair and honorable student, and will promote fair and honorable conduct in others. I will not cheat, and I will not help others to cheat. I will do my own work, and give proper and truthful reference to those whose work has contributed any amount of content to mine."

Academic Resources

Web Page


Web Page

CONPH NP Practicum Packet


Practicum Expectation

Discussion Topic

Please review the NSG Student Practicum Expectations and confirm that you have reviewed the expectations by posting to the Discussion Area below.

Davis Plus Student Resources Guide


Lecturio Video Lectures

External Learning Tool

Lecturio video lectures are supplemental resources with practice exercises that will improve your knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks. In this course, you are encouraged to view the videos that correspond with the current week.

To access the relevant course information follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link above. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select Videos.


For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation


Nursing Handbook

Below is the current handbook for the College of Nursing.


100 % 1 of 1 topics complete


CONPH Nursing Student Handbook




Week 1


Week 1 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Adult and Gerontology patient.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Changes with aging

  Primary Care in the Twenty First Century: A Circle of Caring

  Caring and Advanced Practice Nurse

  The Art of Diagnosis and Treatment

  Evidenced Based Practice

  HEENT Focused Review of System


100 % 6 of 6 topics complete



Discussion Topic

 Due Nov 28, 2023 11:59 PM

President Biden, introduce yourself to the class! Your introduction should cover the following details:

  Your name

  Your location

  Your profession

  Your work experience

  Your expectations from this course and interest in specific aspects of this course

  At least two objectives you hope to achieve through this course

and the way you will attain these objectives

In addition, provide answers to the following questions:


  What are your career goals?

  Where would you like to work?

  Discuss your current profession and how this course relates to your professional interests or goals.

Post to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Review and comment on the autobiographies of your classmates by the end of the week. Comment on your classmates' expectations from the course and their areas of interest. The responses should be logical, realistic, and reasonable.


Note: This is a nongraded assignment.

Week 1 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due Nov 30, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 1 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 1. Watch all Week 1 video's and complete all Week 1 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 1 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 1 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 1 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the

midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files


Week 1 Case File Emergency Medicine, Section Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, & Throat, Case Study Acute Angle‐Closure Glaucoma

Week 1 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due Dec 3, 2023 11:59 PM

Week 1 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

After completing the entire case study and related questions, go to the bottom of the page and select or click on the Print Results button. On the Print page, in the destination field, select save as a PDF.  Once the page is printed as a PDF, then upload the document to the this assignment submission area.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 1 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 1 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 1 CORE Entry


Week 1 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title: NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health: Adults and Gerontology

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk1_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Week 1 SOAP Note


 Due Dec 4, 2023 11:59 PM

Week 1 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience. The completed note should be submitted to

the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 1 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 2


Week 2 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Cardiovascular system.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Cardiovascular Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 2 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due Dec 7, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 2 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 2. Watch all Week 2 video's and complete all the Week 2 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your

completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:


  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 2 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 2 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 2 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files

Week 2 ‐ Case File ‐ Cardiology, Case Study ‐ Anterior ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)

Week 2 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due Dec 10, 2023 11:59 PM

Week 2 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 2 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 2 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 2 CORE Entry


Week 2 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420.

All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 2 SOAP Note


 Due Dec 11, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 2 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 2 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 3


Week 3 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Respiratory system.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Respiratory Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete



Week 3 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due Dec 14, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 3 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 3. Watch all Week 3 video's and complete all the Week 3 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the

wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 3 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 3 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 3 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files


Week 3 Case File Internal Medicine, Section Pulmonary, Case Study ‐ Chronic Cough/Asthma

Week 3 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due Dec 17, 2023 11:59 PM

Week 3 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 3 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 3 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.


Week 3 CORE Entry


Week 3 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 3 SOAP Note


 Due Dec 18, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 3 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 3 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 4

Week 4 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Gastroenterology and Genitourinary/Renal systems.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Gastroenterology and Genitourinary/Renal Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 4 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due Dec 21, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 4 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will

improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 4. Watch all Week 4 video's and complete all the Week 4 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 4 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date



Week 4 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 4 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files


Week 4 Case File ‐Internal Medicine, Section Gastrointestinal System, Case Study ‐ Chronic Constipation Online Only

Week 4 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due Dec 24, 2023 11:59 PM

Week 4 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and

evidence‐based practices.


Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 4 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 4 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 4 CORE Entry


Week 4 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk4_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the

CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 4 SOAP Note


 Due Dec 25, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 4 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 4 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 5


Week 5 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Integumentary and Musculoskeletal systems.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through

submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 5 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due Dec 28, 2023 11:59 PM


Week 5 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and

Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 5. Watch all Week 5 video's and complete all the Week 5 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 5 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 5 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 5 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files Family Medicine, Section Allergy, Immunological & Skin Conditions, Case Study Skin Lesions

Week 5 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due Dec 31, 2023 11:59 PM

Week 5 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 5 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 5 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date



  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 5 CORE Entry


Week 5 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 5 SOAP Note


 Due January 1 at 11:59 PM


Week 5 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum


The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 5 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 6


Week 6 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Endocrine system.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Endocrine Focused Review of Systems



100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 6 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due January 4 at 11:59 PM


Week 6 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 6. Watch all Week 6 video's and complete all the Week 6 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the

marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 6 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 6 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 6 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files Basic Science/ Biochemistry, Case Study ‐ Type 2 Diabetes

Week 6 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due January 7 at 11:59 PM

Week 6 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 6 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 6 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.


Week 6 CORE Entry


Week 6 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk6_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 6 SOAP Note


 Due January 8 at 11:59 PM


Week 6 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 6 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 7

Week 7 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Hematopoietic and Immune systems.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Hematopoietic and Immune Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 7 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due January 11 at 11:59 PM


Week 7 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and

separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 7. Watch all Week 7 video's and complete all the Week 7 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 7 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 7 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 7 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files select section

Basic Science/Microbiology, Case Study Haemophilus influenzae

Week 7 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due January 14 at 11:59 PM

Week 7 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 7 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 7 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 7 CORE Entry


Week 7 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk7_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 7 SOAP Note



 Due January 15 at 11:59 PM


Week 7 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 7 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 8


Week 8 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Neurologic and Psychiatric systems.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care

through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Neurologic and Psychiatric Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 8 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due January 18 at 11:59 PM


Week 8 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 8. Watch all Week 8 video's and complete all the Week 8 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a

word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 8 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 8 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 8 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files Family Medicine

, Section Psychiatric, Behavioral & Substance Use Disorders,


Week 8 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due January 21 at 11:59 PM

Week 8 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 8 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 8 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 8 CORE Entry


Week 8 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk8_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 8 SOAP Note


 Due January 22 at 11:59 PM


Week 8 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 8 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 9


Week 9 Overview

This week learners focus on reviewing specific patient concepts related to the Reproductive system.

After completion of Lecturio and case study discussions, learners should work with preceptors to ensure linking of course content to the practicum setting.

Additionally, learners articulate occurrence of learning through submission of SOAP notes identifying specific assessment finding, interpretation of results, plans for care, and identification of codes for billing and reimbursement.

Finally, learners verify learning has taken place in direct patient care through the submission of CORE Elms verification of hours.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Reproductive Focused Review of Systems


100 % 5 of 5 topics complete


Week 9 Lecturio Video Lectures


 Due January 25 at 11:59 PM

Week 9 Lecturio Video Lectures

Lecturio video lectures with practice exercises will improve knowledge and understanding of various medical concepts and conditions. The videos and activities are grouped by course and separated by weeks.

To access the relevant course information, follow these steps:


1.     Click on the Lecturio Video Lectures link here. You will be brought to Lecturio's Home page with the message: Welcome South University to Lecturio!

2.     On the left navigation bar, select or click on Videos.

3.     Next, from the Selected Video Library listing, scroll to and select NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology from the video library drop down menu.

4.     From NSG6420 Practicum I Family Health Adults and Gerontology, select Week 9. Watch all Week 9 video's and complete all the Week 9 quizzes. Take a screen shot of your completed video modules and quizzes. Save the screen shot as a word document or PDF. You will submit the document to the weekly assignment.

For a more detailed orientation, please watch this video: Lecturio Student Orientation

NOTE: Students need 100% completion in all required modules for the marked grade otherwise a zero “0” will be recorded as the final grade. Only one assignment is allowed to be submitted. If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative. The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Submission Details:

  Name the Lecturio document NSG6420 Week 9 Lecturio Last Name First Initial.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.

Week 9 Access Medicine Case Study Selection Detail

Discussion Topic

The Week 9 Access Medicine Case Study assignment is a highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Access Medicine Case Study may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You must have all Access Medicine assignments completed in order to successfully pass the course.

Case Study Selection Detail

From the Access Medicine Clinical Rotation Cases Files Gynecologic, Obstetric & Breast Conditions, Case Study Prenatal Care

Week 9 Access Medicine Case Study


 Due January 28 at 11:59 PM

Week 9 Access Medicine Case Study

For this assignment, you will complete an Access Medicine case study based on the course objectives and weekly

content. Access Medicine cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence based primary care curriculum.

Throughout your nurse practitioner program, learners use Access

Medicine case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning using ongoing assessment and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence‐based practices.

Please sign into Access Medicine to complete your assignment. Click here for information on how to access and navigate Access Medicine.

The Access Medicine Case Study for Week 9 is noted in the preceding selection detail located here.

Submission Details:

  Name the PDF NSG6420 Week 9 Case Study Last Name First Initial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


  Students can repeat the case study to receive a higher score on the quizzes.

  Only one (1) assignment is allowed to be submitted.

  If learners submit the wrong document they cannot submit a second one to petition for a higher grade. As Nurse Practitioners, attention to detail is imperative.

  The highest grade uploaded into the submission area by the deadline will be the score recorded. No Late submissions.

Week 9 CORE Entry


Week 9 Core Entries

Clinical Log

Please read and follow the Student Practicum

Expectations found here in the Course Resources.


Students should also read and reference the Student Handbooks, all course materials, course announcements, and any documents provided by the instructor during practicum courses for information concerning practicum requirements and/or updates.

CORE Entries are due within 48 hours of the weekly clinical experience.


Encounters i.e. case logs, for all patients that you see each day must be entered within 48 hours of the occurrence in the clinical documentation system CORE ELMS or the encounters will NOT count, and you will have to repeat those hours.

The course instructor will review your submitted case logs weekly, providing feedback and approving/disapproving your case logs.

Students must complete 180 direct patient contact hours for NSG6420. All practicum hours and minutes must be documented and will be verified by course instructor at the end of the session.

Direct patient contact hours include care that involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of real patients including consultation. Direct care must be provided in the population focused areas of NP practice in primary care.

Submission Instructions and Details:

Create a Word document attestation that you have completed the required CORE Entries and clinical hours for the week. The document should include:

  Your first and last name.

  The course number and title

  Statement: “I completed my CORE clinical entries for the week."

  Name your document NSG6420 CORE Entry Attestation_Wk9_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

  Please submit this Word document as proof of completion of the CORE Clinical Entries to the Submissions Area are due within 48 hours of the hours of the weekly clinical experience.

Week 9 SOAP Note


 Due January 29 at 11:59 PM


Week 9 SOAP Note

Using this SOAP notes template, complete one SOAP note from a patient in the current NSG6420 practicum experience.

The completed note should be submitted to the Submission Area.

Submission Details:

  Name the SOAP note document NSG6420 Week 2 SOAP Last Name FirstInitial.pdf

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.


Week 10


Week 10 Overview

This week learners complete course wrap‐up by submitting final CORE Entries and Evaluations.

Your Learning Objectives for the Week:

  Course Wrap‐up


100 % 1 of 1 topics complete


Week 10 CORE Entry


Week 10 Core Entries

Learners are required to complete an end of the practicum Preceptor and Site Evaluation in CORE.

Submission Details:

  Upload a screenshot of your weekly completed evaluation to the submission area.

  Submit the document to the Submission Area by the due date assigned.