HS-Case 2 Nursing Assignment Help


I need complete 2-3 pages paper on the following assignment. HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Must address the all steps properly.  Must include 3 credible references  cited in APA.  Must provide 100% original work.




This is a three-part assignment related to a study of contraceptive drug use among women. You need to write a complete 2-3 pages paper, address the following EACH part in one word document. Table2A is a distribution of systolic blood pressures cross tabulated by age and pill use for women.

Table 2A. Distribution of systolic blood pressure, cross-tabulated by age and pill use.

For Part 1: (half page)

1.             State whether blood pressure in Table 2A would be a continuous variable or a discrete variable. Explain.

2.             Supposing that the number of women in each of groups (non-users and users) were identified, would the number of women in each category be a continuous variable or a discrete variable? Explain.

For Part 2: (half page)

1.             Use any free online histogram maker* to draw histograms for the blood pressures of the users and nonusers ages 35–44.

2.             Discuss one conclusion that can be made about blood pressure and pill use.

*Here are some free resources: 

For Part 3: (one page)

Based on what you’ve learned in this module about normal distributions, explain why a normal approximation of data would be helpful to view the data. For example, you could describe the steps that one would take to estimate the percentage of women with blood pressures in an age group.

In your paper,

·           Must include proper introduction and conclusion

·           Must include 3 credible references cited in APA.

Expert Solution Preview

In this paper, we will address a three-part assignment related to a study of contraceptive drug use among women. The assignment includes analyzing a distribution of systolic blood pressure cross-tabulated by age and pill use (Table 2A), creating histograms for blood pressures of users and non-users ages 35-44, and discussing the usefulness of a normal approximation of data. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the variables involved and allow for a better understanding of the relationship between blood pressure and contraceptive drug use in women.

Part 1:

1. The blood pressure in Table 2A would be considered a continuous variable. Blood pressure is typically measured using a sphygmomanometer, which provides a numerical value that can take on any decimal point between the minimum and maximum values. Continuous variables are those that can take on any value within a certain range and can be measured to an arbitrary level of precision. In this case, systolic blood pressure can have a range of values, such as 100 to 200 mmHg, and can include decimal points (e.g., 120.5 mmHg). Thus, it is considered a continuous variable.

2. If the number of women in each group (non-users and users) were identified, the number of women in each category would be a discrete variable. A discrete variable is one that can only take on specific whole number values or a countable number of distinct values. In this case, the number of women in each category would be a whole number count, such as 10 non-users and 15 users. The number of women cannot be fractionally counted. Therefore, the number of women in each category would be considered a discrete variable.

Part 2:

1. Using a free online histogram maker, we can draw histograms for the blood pressures of users and non-users ages 35-44. By inputting the blood pressure values for each respective group within the specified age range, the histogram maker will generate visual representations of the distribution of blood pressures for each group.

2. From the histograms, we can make the conclusion that blood pressure tends to have a wider range of values for pill users compared to non-users ages 35-44. This conclusion can be drawn by examining the spread of values (represented by the width of the bars) and identifying any noticeable differences between the two histograms. If the histogram for pill users has a wider distribution (i.e., a greater range of blood pressure values), it suggests greater variability in blood pressure among users. This observation may warrant further investigation into the potential influence of contraceptive drug use on blood pressure.

Part 3:

In this section, we will explain why a normal approximation of data would be helpful to view the data and estimate the percentage of women with blood pressures in an age group. A normal distribution, also known as a Gaussian distribution or bell curve, is a common statistical model used to represent continuous variables. It is characterized by a symmetric, bell-shaped curve that approximates the frequency distribution of many naturally occurring phenomena.

A normal approximation of data would be helpful in this case because it allows for a better understanding of the central tendency and variability of blood pressures within an age group. By assuming a normal distribution, we can estimate the percentage of women with blood pressures falling within a specific range by utilizing the properties of the normal curve.

To estimate the percentage of women with blood pressures in an age group, we can follow these steps:
1. Determine the mean and standard deviation of the blood pressure values within the age group.
2. Use the properties of the normal distribution to calculate the percentage of women falling within a specific range, such as within one standard deviation of the mean (68% of the data).
3. Apply these calculations to estimate the percentage of women with blood pressures in the desired range.

By assuming a normal distribution, we can make statistical inferences about the data and understand the proportion of women within certain blood pressure ranges. This approach provides a valuable tool for researchers and healthcare professionals to assess the prevalence and distribution of blood pressures among specific populations.

In conclusion, this assignment focused on analyzing a distribution of systolic blood pressure, creating histograms for blood pressures of users and non-users ages 35-44, and discussing the usefulness of a normal approximation of data. We found that blood pressure is a continuous variable, while the number of women in each category is a discrete variable. The histograms allowed us to observe differences in blood pressure distribution between user and non-user groups. Finally, a normal approximation of data was found to be helpful in estimating the percentage of women with blood pressures in an age group. Through this analysis, we have gained valuable insights into the variables involved in contraceptive drug use among women and their relationship to blood pressure.

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