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OL Lab 6: Skeletal system
Learning Objectives:
· Identify the two divisions of the skeleton.
· Identify the bony features found on bones and identify their functions
Preliminary steps:
1. Use the link below to log into Anatomy TV via Chamberlain Library.
2. Select Anatomy TV under popular databases to access the site.
3. Select the ‘Skeletal System’ tile:
4. From the skeletal system module, select the interactive learning module on the left
hand side of the page.
B. Laboratory Steps
Part 1: Analysis of the Skull
1.1 Select the interactive learning:
Select the interactives circled in red.
1.2- On the image identify and select a one anatomical structure at a time.
The region selected will appear highlighted.
1.3– Use the controls at the bottom of the page as required. Follow the recommendations
provided for each structure.
1.4– Take a screen shot of the image or save the image using the download icon
the right hand side tab.
1.5- Create a word document titled “lastname_Lab 6”. Import the image into the document. Use
the functions ‘Insert’ and ‘tool’ (shapes) on word to label the images.
In complete sentence write the functional role of the selected anatomical structure under the image.
1.7– Save the file before you proceed to the next structure.
1.8– Follow these steps to analyze all the structures listed below.
Facial Bones:
a. Bone: compact bone
b. Compact bone: lacunae
c. Compact bone: osteon
d. Periosteum
e. Bone: yellow bone marrow
f. Endosteum
g. Bone: spongy bone
h. Temporal bone: mastoid process
i. Maxilla: alveolar process
j. Zygomatic bone
k. Sphenoid bone: greater wing
l. Mandible: body
Use the layer controls to remove/add layers ending on layer 1 and rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 10 for the following structures.
m. Occipital bone
n. Sphenoid bone
o. Maxilla
p. Palatine bone
q. Temporal bone
Part 2: Analysis of the vertebral column:
Select the interactive learning:
Vertebral column
Select the interactives circled in red.
Vertebral column
Repeat steps 1.2 to 1.7 to identify and select the structures listed below:
a. 3rd lumbar vertebra
b. Sacrum
c. Coccyx
d. 1st cervical vertebra (atlas)
e. 12th thoracic vertebra
Use the layer controls to remove/add layers ending on layer 3 and rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 4 for the following structures.
f. Sacrum: ala
g. 10th rib
h. Intervertebral discs
Cervical Vertebra:
Repeat steps 1.2 to 1.7 to identify and select the following structures:
a. Cervical vertebra (C4): superior articular facet
b. Cervical vertebra (C4): transverse process
c. Cervical vertebra (C4): superior articular process
d. Cervical vertebra (C4): pedicle
e. Cervical vertebra (C4): anterior tubercle
Thoracic Cage:
Repeat steps 1.3 to 1.6 to identify and select the following structures
a. Costal cartilages
b. Sternum
c. 5th rib
d. 12th rib
Use the layer controls to remove/add layers ending on layer 2 and rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 2 for the following structures.
e. Sternum: manubrium
f. Sternum: body
g. Sternum: xiphoid process
h. Typical rib (6th): shaft
i. 1st rib: head
Part 3: Analysis of bones of the Upper Limb
Select the interactive learning:
Bones of the Upper Limb
Select the interactives circled in red.
Repeat steps 1.2 to 1.7 to identify and select the following structures:
Bones of the pectoral girdle and arm:
a. Scapula: subscapular fossa
b. Scapula: coracoid process
c. Humerus: head
d. Humerus: trochlea
e. Humerus: lesser tubercle
f. Ulna: coronoid process
Use the rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 16 for the following structures.
g. Scapula: infraspinous fossa
h. Scapula: inferior angle
i. Scapula: spine
j. Humerus: shaft
k. Humerus: deltoid tuberosity
l. Ulna: olecranon
m. Radius: head
Bones of the forearm:
a. Radius
b. Ulna
c. Capitate
d. 1st metacarpal
e. Middle phalanx of 4th finger
Use the layer controls to remove/add layers ending on layer 2 and rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 19 for the following structures
f. Metacarpal: shaft
g. Middle phalanx: base
h. Humerus: medial epicondyle
i. Radius: tuberosity
j. Radius: styloid process
Part 4: Analysis of the bones of the Lower Limb
Select the interactive learning:
Bones of the Lower Limb
Select the interactives circled in red.
Repeat steps 1.2 to 1.7 to identify and select the following structures
Bones of the pelvic girdle and thigh:
a. Femur: head
b. Hip bone: iliac fossa
c. Hip bone: body of pubis
Use the rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 19 for the following structures.
d. Sacrum: medial sacral crest
e. Hip bone: body of ilium
f. Hip bone: ischial tuberosity
g. Femur: greater trochanter
h. Femur: neck
i. Femur: linea aspera
j. Femur: lateral condyle
Bones of the leg:
a. Femur
b. Patella
c. Tibia
d. Fibula
e. Talus
f. 1st metatarsal
Use the layer controls to remove/add layers ending on layer 2 and rotation controls to rotate the model to frame 18 for the following structures
g. Femur: lateral condyle
h. Tibia: lateral condyle
i. Fibula: head
Activity | Deliverable | Points |
Part 1,2,3 & 4 | Compete the interactives and submit the lab report on the skeletal system: Part 1: Skull Part 2: Vertebral column Part 3: Bones of the upper limb Part 4: Bones of the lower limb | 30 |
Total | Complete all lab activities | 30 |